Behold the EPICNESS of the Deathly Hallows Trailer…

So here’s the trailer for the final two installments in the Harry Potter saga, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

As we all know, the producers have, in their infinite wisdom and wickedness, decided to split the last book into two movies, releasing one in November this year and the other in July of 2011. Sigh.

The trailer, of course embodies all of the excitement and anxiety that rabid fans like myself have fed off of all these years. As usual, I expect them to completely botch the story line, though I understand that the notion of fidelity especially to something as truly epic as Harry Potter is virtually impossible. As such, I’ve adapted to appreciating the trailers almost as much as the books, with the movies falling third on the scale.

Nevertheless, I anticipate November to bring that communal excitement and thrill we all enjoy, as we prepare ourselves for part one of the closure of the Harry Potter motion picture phenomenon.


    • Kami
    • October 3rd, 2013

    I did not have you pegged as a Potter-head lol.

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